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BOH Minutes Sep 5 2012
C h i l m a r k   B o a r d   o f   H e a l t h
M i n u t e s
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Chilmark Town Hall
5:00 pm

Present:  Mike Renahan, Jan Buhrman,

Absent:  Katie Carroll

Also Present: Marina Lent (Administrator),  Reid Silva (Vineyard Land Surveying and Engineering), Rod Farrell (for Abbott 24-7), Chris Alley (Schofield, Barbini & Hoehn), Ben Robinson (for Merkel-Shanus 27-3), Eli Dubin (for Sonnenthal 20-47.6)

Minutes of August 15, 2012 adopted

Abbott, 33 North Abel’s Hill Road (24-27) The Board reviewed renovation plans presented by Chris Alley for a six-bedroom house with two existing cesspools: the owner proposes to eliminate one bedroom, and replace one of the cesspools with a 1,500 gallon septic tank.  The Board noted that the septic capacity easily accommodates five bedrooms, and approved the septic tank installation plan.

Gilberg/Cohen, 19 Wososket Lane (11-76), Chris Alley presented a septic system construction permit application, requiring no variances, to serve a proposed five-bedroom dwelling and future studio.  The existing system will be located, abandoned, pumped and backfilled with clean sand. The Board approved the construction permit.

Shanus/Merkel, 17 Howell Lane (27-3), Chris Alley presented a proposed septic system revision to accommodate a squash-court structure including a ½ bath and ejector pump to the septic system.  The revision requires no variances, and separations are equal or greater than in the plan originally approved by the Board on July 11, 2012.  The Board accepted the proposed revised plan.

Chilmark Flu Clinic: Marina Lent asked for guidance regarding the date, site, time, and eligibility for a Chilmark Flu clinic in October 2012.  The Board suggested October 4th, assuming availability of the Chilmark Community Center, and reiterated that only residents of Chilmark shall be eligible to receive a flu shot at the Chilmark Flu Clinic, regardless of attendance at the Chilmark School or other forms of affiliation with the Town.

Harbor Sewage Pumpout Station:  The Executive Secretary has asked the Board of Health for recommendations to Selectmen regarding a new marine sewage pumpout station for Menemsha Harbor.  Marina Lent reported that she is reviewing the requirements for the “No Discharge Area” designation which now applies to the coastal waters of Chilmark.  Mike Renahan suggested also looking into the possibility of a pumpout boat.

Sonnenthal, 11 Peaked Hill Pasture Road (20-47.6)   The Board reviewed renovation plans for the four-bedroom dwelling and one-bedroom garage presented by Eli Dubin: the revision will involve turning half of the two car garage into an art studio with a toilet and sink and converting one bedroom in the main house into an open den, thereby amply providing for the additional flow required by the studio.  The Board expressed interest in a cautious approach to the release of art-related chemicals into the septic system, and noted that the proposed renovation plan allows for sufficient flow for the existing septic system.

Doyle, Mollie, 49 North Road (3-60) Reid Silva presented a plan to tie-in a new 2 bedroom house to existing seven-bedroom septic system serving an existing two-bedroom house on an eight-acre lot in Seven Gates.  The plan will include a 1,500 gallon tank and 1,500 gallon pump chamber.  No variances are required.  The Board approved the construction permit.

Doyle, Rob and Cindy, South Gate Road (3-60) Reid Silva presented a proposed plan and construction permit application for a 6-bedroom septic system, requiring no variances. Reid Silva stated that he intends to do further in-season test holes prior to construction. The Board approved the construction permit.

3 SDS LLC, 11 Round Pond Road (35-1.4),  Reid Silva presented a six-bedroom septic system construction permit application, requiring no variances, to replace an existing six-bedroom septic system which was built, but never placed in service, enabling fill from the construction of a proposed six-bedroom dwelling to be stored on the site of the existing septic system. The Board approved the construction permit.

EG Realty Trust, Ridge Hill Road (part of 11-74), Reid Silva presented a septic system construction permit application, requiring no variances, for a six-bedroom system serving a proposed six-bedroom house on a 3-acre lot. The Board approved the construction permit.

Greenburg, 8 Greenhouse Lane (33-30)  The new well has been hooked up and the old well has been properly abandoned in accordance with DEP Private Well Guidelines as stipulated on the well construction permit issued by the Board on April 20, 2011.

Office key Marina Lent requested that the office key be returned or replaced when borrowed by members of the Board or Town Hall staff.

Con-Ed PWS Certification:  Marina Lent was approved for travel to Holliston, MA on October 30, 2012 for a Public Water System Treatment class to earn 3 Continuing Education Units.  

Lindauer, 2 Marsh Road (27.1-26)  The Board noted receipt of a FAST Field Inspection and Service Report showing the system to be in good working order.

Anderson/Parker, 11 Heath Hen Way Road (18-47.1 and 18-51) as-built received; certificate of compliance issued

Ramis, 3 Pepperbush Lane (13-6.5) Title 5 Official Inspection Report received for a 4 bedroom house.  The system passes inspection.

Mermaid Farm The Board took note of a Cease and Desist Order issued by the Mass Department of Agricultural Resources barring sale of raw milk due to a high bacterial count of a test sample.  The order does not affect yoghurt production or any other pasteurized milk product.   

Temporary Food Event Permits:  8/31 – 9/3  Yoga Festival at CCC, Beetlebung Farm hoop house fundraising dinners

Invoices:  The following invoices were approved for payment:

  • Wampanoag Lab, bathing beach water testing May 22-June 6, 20
The meeting adjourned at 19:04 hours.

_______________________              _______________________                       _______________________
Katherine L. Carroll, Chair                 Michael A. Renahan                          Janet L. Buhrman
Chilmark Board of Health                   Chilmark Board of Health                     Chilmark Board of Health
A recording of this meeting is on file at the Board of Health office and available for on-site review.